Saturday, May 26, 2012

I am a Christian - as long as you aren't liberal, gay or weird.

A few days ago, I read a blog called, "I am a Christian - Unless you're gay." The title alone made me cringe in  truth. The article is a great read and it really got me to thinking.

The past few years I have been surrounded by Christians who are Christians until you do or say something that opposes their tender sensibilities. I've watched mild mannered, usually delightful humans turn into rage filled, self righteous Hulk like monsters over the topic of  whatever ruffles their feathers. Currently, the hot button is gay marriage.

Homosexuality is the one sin Christians feel it is still okay to behave like enormous bigotry filled bullies about. Christians don't picket fast food joints over the issue of gluttony. (Phil. 3:19) Christians don't walk into bars and yell at drunkards about going to hell. Christians don't hold up signs of malice at tattoo shops because people are getting some memorial ink done. (Lev. 19:28) Christians don't take a stand against greedy liars (1. Cor 6:10) ... Actually Christians are backing lots of them this upcoming election.

So why is homosexuality the only Biblical sin that Christians get all riled up over? 

Because being gay makes sad people uncomfortable.

I am 30. I have lived to see a time when I remember hearing my grandma make racist slurs when talking about the weather to a time when a black man became President. I am old enough to remember a world without internet and I've lived to see a time when most people carry a web device in their pocket.  I remember when it was acceptable to have homosexual hate slurs in everyday conversations. And I've sat back, with a broken heart, and read about hundreds of young people committing suicide as an answer to blatant bullying. I've watched the media use the gay community as joke fodder to finally beginning to showcase real, strong role models that bring awareness to this injustice. I've also seen the church practically endorsed bigotry and hate crimes, and I stood by, helplessly, as our government created anti gay laws and upheld clear discrimination. We are living during such a bizarre and often confusing time.

 Yet, people having the freedom to live, love and serve as gay Americans is still fairly new to our nation. It's all still so new to us who grew up in uglier times. Bullying is still present, laws are still in place and the church is still allowing hate to happen. This simply should not be. Christians are totally willing to play the "What Would Jesus Do?" card, as long as they aren't called to reach out of their comfortable heterosexual bubbles and be Christlike to people they don't understand. That comfort zone is what they call faith. They are taking a stand for righteousness as the set on their couch and watch TBN. They are called to a life of holiness and love, as long as it doesn't require effort, real grace, compassion or kindness. 

Christians get hopped up on Rush Limbugh and when confronted with a situation to show love and tolerance to others, Christians say something hateful and ignorant AND then claim they are being persecuted over their faith. No, sugar. You aren't be being persecuted because you are Christian. You being treated like the jerk you so often choose to act like. Oh, someone said "Happy Holidays" to you instead of "Merry Christmas?" Yes, by all means - Your faith is now under attack. You should totally snap at the clerk that so rudely assumed you might be of a different faith that than the 2.1 billion believers that are alive today. 

Christians claim Christ as long as the service is short, the chairs or comfy, the music is to their liking, the wait isn't too long, the road isn't too rough, the food is free, the entertainment comes in abundance and the pats on the back are around every corner.

That's modern Christianity, folks. And I couldn't be more embarrassed.

I am a Christian. I read my Bible. I even teach Sunday school at my church. But I am totally ashamed by these hateful, prideful, angry and belittling people dragging my Savior into their intolerance. 

The Christ I know and follow doesn't hold up signs, picket or yell. He doesn't get offended when someone thinks, talks, votes or lives differently than He did. He doesn't belittle, bully or bulldoze on oppressing opinions. He doesn't preach love and speak hate. He freely offers love, direction, peace and strength. He accepts always, even when we wonder away and make huge, stupid mistakes. He is always waiting, always loving, always interceding for our behalf. (Romans 8:34) This is the Christ I know. This is what my faith is based upon. I feel anything I do or say means nothing if I do not do it in love. (1 Cor 13.) This is the good news that I want to bring. That is the Gospel I know. ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. (Romans 3:23-24) That message of grace and hope means nothing if I am acting like a prideful, arrogant, religious, self righteous, hateful bully. 

My daughter once told me that when someone hurts her feeling or does something she knows is absolutely wrong, she pretends to put on rainbow sparkle glasses and she looks at that person the way that God sees them. She said every time she does this she doesn't see a bad person anymore - she she's a person who needs the love of Jesus. My daughter is 6. If my six year old can get over herself and make an effort to see everyone as God sees them - then, my goodness - so can you. Put on rainbow sparkle glasses - look at the person the way God sees them. Learn to love through your tender sensibilities. Love radically. Love the unlovable. Love the undesirable. Love the brokenhearted, the tax collectors, the convicts, the criminals, the prostitutes, the people who vote differently than you, the people who don't belief in your God, the people who don't believe in any God .... The list goes on. Just love. 

Jesus did everything in love. If it was good enough for my Savior - It's good enough for me.

And don't tell me you are spreading the Gospel by accusing others of sin. Does anyone in America right now not know what the Bible says about homosexuality?! It's everywhere. But is anyone free of sin? Any sin? Is anyone blameless? No. So, telling someone they are sinning is not helping. We are actually told REPEATEDLY in the Bible not to point the finger at who is sinning. Sure, you don't need to encourage or condone others poor choices, but their sin is between them and God. It doesn't involve you. Actually, your "stand against" fill in the blank sin it's turning people away in droves. If it wasn't for my solid faith in Jesus Christ alone, I would have walked away from the church years ago, when my youth "pastor" told me I couldn't be apart of the group, and God could not use me, because I had a facial piercing. Sigh. But I know Jesus. He doesn't love with limitations. He gives me hope. He shows me love. He is my peace. Directs my path. He is my strength. And although His people so often break my heart, I still love them. I accept them and I pray daily God will break their cold, prideful hearts and turn them into the believers Christ called us to be. 

Until that change happens I am going to do what I believe. I am going to love, I am going to support and I am going to pray for the things I can't understand, I don't like, and that plain old make me angry. (Which I will just hide/delete/remove any and all comments and messages that offend. I don't have to be a jerk - I can keep the peace and not be involved in the drama. This is what I believe. If you disagree go write your own blog. Don't argue with me here. Nothing will be changed by you being a tyrant.)

Basically: I know what works for me. I know what's right for me. Those are my convictions. I don't expect them to be yours. If there is something I don't like, or goes against what I believe - I DON'T DO IT. Simple. 

Christians - if gay marriage offends you, I propose this easy, peaceful solution to the debate: Don't marry a gay person. Easy peasy.
Oppressing freedoms because some choices don't go with yours will not solidify your faith. It just makes you look like a clown. And, honey, no one is laughing. You look like the saddest most miserable clown ever. 

Oh and don't try the "sanctity of marriage" b.s. with me. The divorce rate is the same between believers and non believers. Your three marriages prove you clearly don't care about the sanctity of anything besides your own comfort level.

Do you get how ridiculous the church is making itself look?
We, as Christians, we're called to be in the World, but not of it. Right? So if it offends you - don't take part in it. That doesn't mean you need to be a clanging cymbal of your loud mouth beliefs. Just don't do it. Pray, show love, and remain the things Christ asked us to be. (Peaceful, patient, kind.) 

I love Jesus. I will go down shouting my love for my Savior if needs be, but I will not be apart of this "Body of Christ" that looks more like a monster bully than a bride to the Savior. Because like my boy Captain America, I don't like bullies.

Let's show Christ. Let's be transparent. Let's be okay that we are and never will be perfect. We are humans. We make mistakes. We love. We accept. We move on. I want my faith to be real. I don't want religion. Religion kills, corrupts, and combines the worst of humanity. I don't need your opinions on what makes you comfortable. I need love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. And please, if you don't show/live/give these - Don't drag my Jesus into your crazy.

Honey, if your countenance is as comfy as sandpaper - why would anyone want to hear your good news?

Christians, I believe we are better than how we are acting. We need to like courageous soldiers fighting for what's right instead of complaining civilians, bickering about topics that make us uncomfortable. You want to fight against a real problem? Try taking care of your community. Feed the homeless, help the children, befriend the friendless. Stop raging over something that does not effect you in the slightest. 

I want to love and be loved. I want to inspire and not seek to offend. I want to fight the good fight and  I want God to be known through actions of compassion, not words of condemnation. I want, so desperately, to see other believers to stand up, and say enough. The world needs to see God's love alive in how we act and how we treat others. That love is so real, so powerful, that you can love through the awkward, through the hurt, through the sin and to the core. It does not have conditions, deal breakers, limits, lies, or expectations. It's love. Real love and it demands a sacrifice of self to be delivered flawlessly. That means your comfort bubble needs some busting. If you claim to live for Jesus Christ - you better start loving like it.