Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Fernando Ritardando Method.

Fernando Ritardando is my Furby. I came up with this jargon, but I named it after him. (No, a Furby will not life coach you.)

First, Mr. Ritardando and I would like to say: Happy New Year. Or Noo-loo New Year, if you are down with Furbish.

Anyway, this is The Frenando Ritardando Method for a happier year:
Pray more.
Post less.
Be kind.
Read more.
Turn off the news.
Hug more. Or as Fernando would say, "May-lah koh-koh.)
Turn off phone while with people.
Feel fancy.
Pray Psalms over my children.
Pray Proverbs for my husband.
Share good news - Not stories that made you mad.
Finish a puzzle.
Sew more.
Listen to more Aquabats, Five Iron Frenzy, and Fun.
Make choices to help others.
Be thankful.
Be thankful you're not "Keeping Up" with any reality star. (Don't make fun of your friends that do.)
Go outside more. Get dirty.
Take longer baths.
Practice patience.
Make someone wonder.
Have hope even when it doesn't make sense.
Be a comforting spirit to be around.
Fix it rather than fuss about it.
Do what you were told. Don't worry what the other jerks are doing.
And whenever you want to post your opinion about politics - Talk to a Furby instead.

13 is going to be delicious, my genius noo-lahs.

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