Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bows, ducks and bleach

I sold my Hunger Games bow. I am pretty excited, because working with Shrinky Dinks is a new medium for me. Yey. I also sold the Smurf one and was commissioned to make Easter bows for some kiddos. (I joked that I would make a Sculpey Christ on a cross. Met with no laughter ... well, aside from me.)

Busy day today, but a deeeeelightful day to be out and about. Took the kids to Katie's and fed duck and ducklings. Two duck are Welsh Harlequin ducks. This means they ducks need trashy harlequin romance novel names. The boy duck is named Dirk. Obviously. Still haven't decided on the lady ducky. Submissions are welcome.

Heading off to Bible study at my sisters. Sure to offend and confuse. (Not on purpose, mind you, it just happens.) Apparently, the term "twat waffle" is frowned upon during Jesus time. Why everyone assumes the Lord is such a dainty flower is besides me. Whatever. I like me. I like Jesus. And from the Bible I've read the Lord isn't a self righteous twat. (His followers tend to be.) Eh. It has come to this.

Anyway - pony tattoo is healed and gayer than aids on Christmas. Next Disneyland castle and balloons. Also I am going to try and bleach my hair and dye it lavender. (Worried about the bleach. However much I love Courtney Love I do not want my hair to look like her during the "Doll Parts" years.) Well ... maybe I do. Hair grows back. Bring on the bleach.

Now I want to go listen to  Nirvanna's Bleach album. And burn incense - because it might be 73 outside, but I still believe it's 96.

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