Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Muuumuus and the midwest.

I am getting my hair done, professionally, for the first time in over four years today. I am pretty stinkin' excited. My hair has been choppy, short and real dark for years. I am possibly growing it out ( I like short hair though, so I dunno.) But it is going light - really, really light. Eventually I want my hair to be almost white and toned/dyed lavender. Like pastel. (See above.) It will be awesome. It's gonna take awhile, because I refuse to fry my hair with bleach in one sitting ... I'll bake it slowly with chemicals until it eventually light enough to be lavender. It's happening.

In other news: Indiana has been asking to listen to ABBA a lot lately. A lot. Then today he asked for his "spooky mix." Spooky Mix is a cd I made for Halloweenie dancy dance time. It features, obviously, Monster Mash by Bobby Boris Pickett, Poe, Oingo Boingo, Jumping Gene Simmons, Thriller, and Love Potion Number 9. It's good times. Well, Missouri wasn't feeling the spooky mix - she wanted ABBA. So, in crafty brilliance - she tells Indie that Mario (from Mario Kart Wii, Indie's favorite game) favorite band is ABBA. I laughed. And inquired how she figured such info out? Her response ... "I saw a commercial. He said 'Momma Mia.' in it. That's an ABBA song. So Mario loves ABBA." Needless to say - we listened to ABBA on the way to school.

Oh and I re -purposed a muumuu. It's super cute and summery. I decided to make a fun bow to go with it - which obviously means a flamingo skeleton. Duh. So I wore muummu, dead flamingo bow with staples of my style - Doc Martens and denim vest. I thought it was fun. ... Surprisingly I got more flack for the vest than the muumuu or scupley dead animal bow. People are weird. I mean if you are gonna pick apart my choices - the vest, the vest was the thing that was just too over the top? Ha. Whatever.

I have decided that this probably why most people wear "normal" clothes. It's unbelievably obnoxious to have to stop and explain why you are a freak show to bystanders at a Price Cutter. I mean, I love the way I dress - obviously, I wouldn't do it if I thought it was lame, but I just wanna be me. Despite what others say about me - I am not doing this to entertain or gain attention. I'd love to look like me and blend in. That would be lovely.

Effin' midwest.

Speaking of good ole midwest - flyers aplenty are spamming the mailboxes of the community for various Easter celebrations. I appreciate the churches wanting to share with strangers the Gospel by big shows with "mind blowing lasers," but so often those church goers are dreadful, prideful people attending church for sheer entertainment and lasers. Where is the gospel in that? It breaks my heart. Sure, lasers are cool - but life is not a Pink Floyd concert. Lasers are not needed. I need Jesus. Real, personal, precious, peaceful Jesus. And I want my kids to know the Jesus I know. I want them to find faith that is personal, real and brilliant. I don't want religion flung like poo onto them. We attend church and we love our church family. I love the fact we are providing a good church experience for my sweet babies. Because my childhood church experience should have turned me into an atheist. But that's why I feel Jesus really saved me. After having my heart and religion broke into thousands of tiny pieces - I finally saw Jesus and realized that often most "churches" have nothing to Him. SOOO when my kids start to see and recognize the difference between religion and relationships - I get reeeaaal excited. Last night Indie prayed that he could have a "brave heart" like Jesus. That blesses me beyond words. To Indie - Jesus is brave. That isn't something we taught him. That's his own relationship with the Savior. That. Is. Awesome.

Okay, I am off too get my hair all sassy and what have you. Yey!! (I feel super scandalous spending money on my head, but it's been four years. I am allowed.)

Have a beautiful and brilliant day. Hugs.

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