Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The sad offended owl. Or how most Christians troll and tirade over opposing opinions.

When surfing the internet I often find people bickering back and forth about Lord knows what. It's usually over something vaguely religious and possibly political, and more times than not, it's not important. It's an opinion. That's all. I often like to scroll down and read comments by these huffy forums goers announcing how offended they were by so and so's post, picture, phrase or choice. I find that stuff hilarious. To me, when someone announces that they are offended it is as if they are stating, "I can't control my emotions, so please watch yourself for my sake."

I find this especially funny when all the hubbub is on something like facebook or pinterest. I mean, seriously, if you are that offended by post on pinterest - unfollow that board. If someones political tangents make you angry and seem to to make every facebook status - hide them. It's pretty simple. You don't have to fight and pick apart everything to prove you believe something different. It's like telling people they can't drink coffee, because caffeine makes you cranky.

And Christians: we were called to be peacemakers, not self righteous jerk wads. If you're offended, back away and avoid the drama. Don't dive in, head first, spouting facts you got from Fox News. I get you believe whatever it is you believe, but some people don't and you can't change them - especially by hateful bickering. I find it literally heart breaking that 90% of these overly tender and down right rude people are often "Christians." Trust me, I've tiptoed around Christians my whole life. And I am a Christian. I don't like to offend so I try to watch what I say and do around people I know will be offended ... those people are usually Christians. There is something to be said about the simple fact that I can be transparent to all of my friends and family - unless they are Christians. It seems as if American Christians have made an art over being always offended and continuously looking for the big, bad wolf in all things. (Read Proverbs 11:27 and think about the next time you what to point out all the things wrong, evil, and anything you decided you don't like.)

Also, get over yourself. Your religion doesn't impress anyone. No one has ever been saved, changed or helped by the ignorance or arrogance of a bully. Yes, bully. When you push your beliefs, morals and politics unto people and then get offended when they don't follow your lead - YOU ARE A BULLY.

I love people, but I can't stand bullies.

Now, if you want me to listen and take heed to what you're cookin' try this: Show me some love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self control. Show me that your faith isn't a religion. Show me that you really know the things you say you believe. You do that and I'll show you a person with an opinion I'll actually listen to. But, if all you have is bickering, hatefulness, bitterness and contempt - I don't want to buy what you are selling. And neither does anyone else.

I'll cheerfully quote John Lennon any day, so here is a thought from some Lennon lyrics that I feel fits famously: "I'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight, short sided, narrow minded hypocrites. All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. I've had enough of reading things from a neurotic, psychotic, pig headed politicians. Just give me some truth. All I want is the truth."

If you know the Way, The Truth and the Light - um, act like it. Act like His grace and compassion mean something to you. Show me you can distribute that to others, regardless of what they believe.

And you know - You can tell people what you believe. You can. It's great. Just don't expect anyone to want to be like you, if you are a harsh, hateful, fear mongering bully. And if you want people to love the Savior that you claim changed your life - be a decent human. Display Fruits of the Spirit (Galations 5:22-23) and avoid the fights, the bickering and the drama. Show love in your actions, joy in your life and kindness in your words. That is truth. Give me that truth.

So facebook trolls and posters on pinterest: If you are offended, don't expect others to cater to your beliefs, feelings and fears. Be a bigger, better person and walk away if someone steps on your toes.(Remember that whole turn the other cheek thing ... Yeah do that.) Use the self control you have to say, "Okay, I don't agree with that - and I am sorry you do - but I am not going to be mean about it." Do this by hiding post or people, if you must. Or, do as my daughter would say, "Put on your sparkly rainbow glasses and look at people the way Jesus sees them."

I have literally watched my daughter pretend to put on glasses and look at people differently when she was hurt or offended by them ... She didn't tirade over how wrong they were - and she's five, folks. Five. You can do this.

In my opinion: People need hope. And I get hope from Jesus, so yes, I feel like everyone needs Jesus, but they don't need my hateful attitude. So I challenge you to put on those sparkly rainbow glasses and look at people the way Jesus looks at people: with love, understanding and compassion.

And quit being so dang mean.

If you are always offended - hide it, unfollow it, and walk away. There is no reason to get angry and announce how tender you are about every little thing. Especially over the internet. We are all people. We will all have bad days, and say ugly things, but if you are proclaiming that you have it all figured out - can you please stop looking like this guy?

If you have it all together, you wouldn't be so sad, mean, and rude. It's just something to think about before you get all huffy, puffy, feathers ruffled and all offended.

What are your thoughts? Are you offended? What do you do when you are offended? Share your stories and let me know.
